+91 9078078888

Genx Premium Health Check

Genx Premium Health Check MRP: 6800/-

FBS Fasting blood glucose ( over night fasting)
HbA1c Glycocylated haemoglobin estimation, HPLC method
CBC Five part blood parameter analyzer
Liver Funaction Test Total Protein, Albumin, A/G ratio, AST, ALT, GGT, ALP, Billirubin(T)
Kidney Function Test Urea, Creatinine, Sodium & Potassium
Lipid Profile TG, Cholesterol, dHDLc, dLDLc
Thyroid Function Test Ft4, TSH
S.Homocystein Cardiac risk marker
S.hsCRP Cardiac risk marker
S.calcium Bone metabolism, general wellbeing
S.Vit.D Bone health, general wellbeing
S.Phosphate Bone health
S.Vit B12 RBC maturity, nerve cell health
S.Folic Acid Healthy RBC and genetic materials
USG Screening whole abdomen
Urine RE/ME
ECG 12 Lead ECG
CXR Chest X ray, PA view
TMT or Mammo Trade Mill Test or Mammography for female
2D ECHO Echo Cardiogram by Consultant ( 2 pm to 5 pm)
Doctor’s Consultation Review the reports*