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Histopathology is the study of the signs of the disease using the microscopic examination of a biopsy or surgical specimen that is processed and fixed onto glass slides. To visualize different components of the tissue under a microscope, the sections are dyed with one or more stains.

Sl. No.  Test Parameter Container Mothod TAT GenX MRP Type 
1 Biopsy; ER – PR – Her2new study Block Conventional 4 days 3700 special
2 Biopsy; ER /PR Study Block Conventional 4 days 3000 special
3 Biopsy; 1 large specimens 10% Formalin Conventional 5 days 1200 special
4 Biopsy; 1 medium specimens 10% Formalin Conventional 4 days 800 special
5 Biopsy; 1 small specimens 10% Formalin Conventional 4 days 600 special
6 Biopsy; Block/ slides for opinion Parafin block Conventional 4 days 700 special
7 Biopsy, Kidney; Block/ slides for opinion Parafin block Conventional 4 days 1800 special
8 Biopsy; blocks for special stains 10% Formalin Conventional 2 days 650 special
9 Biopsy; IHC one  Ag Block Conventional 4 – 7 days 1600 special
10 Biopsy; IHC 2  Ag Block Conventional 4 – 7 days 2200 special
11 Biopsy; IHC 3  Ag Block Conventional 4 – 7 days 3300 special
12 Biopsy; IHC 4  Ag (Manual) Block Conventional 4 – 7 days 3800 special
13 Biopsy; IHC Package, 5- 8 Ag Block Conventional 4 – 7 days 6100 special
14 Biopsy; Kidney IF Buffer Sol. Conventional 4 days 4300 special
15 Biopsy; Kidney LM Buffer Sol. Conventional 4 days 2600 special
16 Biopsy; Kidney LM & IF Buffer Sol. Conventional 4 days 4500 special
17 Biopsy: Liver 10% Formalin Conventional 2 days 2900 special
18 Biopsy; Oncology resection spe. 10% Formalin Conventional 5 – 7 days 4000 special
19 Biopsy; Oncology resection IHC 10% Formalin Conventional 5 – 7 days 7200 special
20 Biopsy; Skin IF 10% Formalin Conventional 4 days 2200 special
21 Biopsy; Skin LM 10% Formalin Conventional 4 days 700 special
22 Biopsy; Skin LM & IF 10% Formalin Conventional 6 days 2600 special
23 Biopsy; slides preparation Parafin block Conventional 2 – 3 days 200 special
24 Biopsy; Transplant Kidney, IHC with Ag. Block Conventional 5 days 4800 special
25 Biopsy; Transplant Kidney, IHC Ag & IF Block Conventional 5 days 5800 special
26 CSF Body Fluid study Plastic container Conventional Same day 700 special
27 Lavage Study of Cytology & Biochemistry Plastic container Conventional Same day 700 special
28 Cytology of Fluid & ADA Plastic container Conventional Same day 800 special
29 FNAC Ethanol fixed, Dry Conventional Same day 850 special
30 PAP Smear Special container Conventional Same day 600 special
31 FNAC, guided Ethanol fixed, Dry Conventional Same day 1200 special
32 LBC Special container Conventional Same day 750 special
33 LBC with HPV screening Slide & Cervical fluid Conv. & rtPCR 2 days 2900 special
34 SCRAP CYTOLOGY Slide Conventional 6 hrs/Same day 850 special